Storm in Misox

The storm in Misox has affected PostBus services. The most important information on changes to routes, transfers and connections can be found here.

Anchor Navigation

(Bellinzona)–Castione–Mesocco (route 62.214)

Postbuses are running between Mesocco and Castione. The route has been modified.

The following stops are not being served:

  • Lostallo, Paese
  • Lostallo, Posta
  • Sorte, Pre del Pont
  • Cama, Piani di Verdabbio

Delays are to be expected.

Chur–S. Bernardino–Bellinzona (route 90.171)

Postbuses are running between Chur and Bellinzona. The route has been modified in Misox. Delays are to be expected.

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