Lenzerheide-Albula PubliCar

The night bus transports you conveniently to your destination every day during the winter season and on Friday and Saturday evenings during the summer season. Your departure and destination stops can be selected within the defined route network. Book your journey with ease in the PubliCar App.

Anchor Navigation

Here’s how it works

  • Open app

    Install the PubliCar App on your smartphone or select web booking

  • Book a journey

    Specify your collection and destination addresses and your chosen time, and add passengers

PubliCar Lenzerheide-Albula video

Service area

The stops served by the Lenzerheide-Albula PubliCar can be seen in the PubliCar App.

Download (JPG, 333.3 KB) an image of the service area

Service times

Winter season (daily)

Winter season from 15 December 2024 to 21 April 2025

Lenzerheide/Lai, Valbella, Vaz/Obervaz, Sartons, Crapera, Sporz, Zorten





Lantsch/Lenz, Vazerol





Tiefencastel, Surava, Alvaschein, Mon, Stierva, Alvaneu Bad




Journeys must be reserved. Short-notice reservations are also possible. We recommend reserving your journey in good time, no later than one hour before departure.

Please cancel reserved journeys as early as possible if you no longer require them. This prevents empty journeys and creates space for other passengers.

Wheelchair transport

You can activate the “Wheelchair” option in the PubliCar App in the “Number of passengers” booking step. Alternatively, you can also register for this option by calling +41 848 55 30 60.

Bicycle transport

Bikes cannot be transported on PubliCar.


Bookings can be made for a maximum of nine people via the app.


Buy a public transport ticket for your PubliCar journey in advance. The normal public transport fare (without night supplement) applies.

The following tickets are valid:

  • GA Travelcard
  • Night GA Travelcard
  • BÜGA
  • Graubünden Pass
  • Junior and Children’s Co-Travelcard
  • The Half Fare Travelcard entitles you to purchase discounted tickets

Arosa Lenzerheide winter sports tickets are not valid. Journeys from/to Lain, Muldain and Zorten are also not free during sports bus operating hours.

Regular public transport tickets can be purchased at SBB.ch, via SBB MobileFairtiqTarget not accessible, SBB EasyRide or at ticket machines.

You can book journeys to or from “virtual” stops in the PubliCar App. Virtual stops are stops that are exclusively available for PubliCar journeys and are not served by regular scheduled services (sports bus or Postbus). To purchase a ticket for a journey from or to a virtual stop, you can select one of the stops below in the SBB app or at www.sbb.ch as the departure and arrival point:

For stops in Valbella:

  • Valbella, Sartons
  • Valbella, Posthotel
  • Valbella, Skilift/Kirche
  • Valbella, Seehof

For stops in Lenzerheide/Lai:

  • Lenzerheide/Lai, Crapera
  • Lenzerheide/Lai, Sporz
  • Lenzerheide/Lai, Tgantieni
  • Lenzerheide/Lai Central
  • Lenzerheide/Lai, Dieschen Sot
  • Lenzerheide/Lai, Fadail/Lido
  • Lenzerheide/Lai, Skischulplatz
  • Lenzerheide/Lai, Sportzentrum
  • Lenzerheide/Lai, Tankstelle
  • Lenzerheide/Lai, Val Sporz

Please note that purchasing a ticket has no impact on the journey you have reserved and the actual route.

Rich Content Section

Two smartphones featuring the PubliCar App on the display.

PubliCar App

In just a few steps, you’ll be ready to make your first booking via the PubliCar App. We provide you with step-by-step instructions for installing the app.

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