Flims Laax Falera local bus service

The public transport services between Flims, Laax and Falera and all local bus services can be used free of charge with a guest card, mountain railway ticket or local ID card. This does not include buses to Nagens and Bargis.

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Public transport services in Flims Laax Falera

The local pass and the mountain railway ticket include transport between Fidaz Waldrand, Flims Vallorca, Laax Caltgera and Falera center.

The Flims Laax Falera guest card is valid for the Trin Mulin, Fidaz Waldrand, Laax Caltgera and Falera center perimeter.

Overview of timetabled services

On individual routes, Postbuses will run as follows:

Falera, center–Laax, posta

Until 11.30 p.m.

  • Every 30 minutes until 11.30 p.m. (all year round)

Laax, posta–Flims Dorf, Post

Until 8.30 p.m.

  • Every 15 minutes until 6.30 p.m. (all year round)
  • Every 30 minutes from 6.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. (all year round)

Flims Dorf, Post–Fidaz, Dorf

All year round

  • Every 30 minutes until 8.30 p.m
  • additionally at 9.30 p.m.

Services to Bargis

Flims Dorf, Post – Fidaz, Bargis
Hiking bus to Bargis high valley

  • Daily (24 May to 3 October 2025)

The last section from Waldrand Fidaz to Bargis can only be reached by Postbus to Bargis, for which fares apply.

Eyecatcher title New: Online tickets for Bargis Eyecatcher text

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Tickets and prices

  • The Fidaz, Waldrand to Fidaz, Bargis route section: a half-price/discounted ticket (similar to the Half Fare Travelcard) must be purchased for the GA Travelcard, BÜGA, local residents/guests of Flims Laax Falera, the graubünden Pass and the national 1-day travelpass.
  • Public transport tickets to Fidaz, Bargis are available online via SBB MobileTarget not accessible, from the SBB ShopTarget not accessible, at ticket machines or from staffed sales outlets at all Swiss public transport stops.

Service to Nagens


  • Daily (21 June to 19 October 2025)
  • 6 journeys per day
  • Last ascent at 4.15 p.m.
  • Last descent at 5 p.m. 

The Postbuses are equipped with a practical rear bike carrier.

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Tickets and prices

  • The Laax GR, posta to Laax GR, Nagens route section: for GA Travelcard, BÜGA, local residents/guests of Flims Laax Falera, the graubünden Pass and the national 1-day travelpass, a half-price/discounted ticket (similar to the Half Fare Travelcard) must be purchased.
  • Public transport tickets are available online via SBB MobileTarget not accessible, from the SBB Shop, at ticket machines or from staffed sales outlets at all Swiss public transport stops.

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