PostBus Executive Board

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The members

Christian Plüss, Head of PostBus and Member of Executive Management at Swiss Post

Christian Plüss – Head of PostBus and Member of Swiss Post Executive Management
Member since 2018

Born 1962, doctorate in Environmental Sciences, ETH Zurich

Professional background

  • Alpiq Ltd, Head of Hydro Power Generation
  • MeteoSwiss, Director
  • Erdgas Ostschweiz AG, CEO
  • SBB AG, Head of Offer Management
  • Cap Gemini SA, Managing Consultant

Key posts

  • Swiss Association of Public Transport (APT), cooperative, Member of the Committee
  • LITRA (Ligue suisse pour l’organisation rationnelle du trafic), Member of the Management Committee
  • Alliance SwissPass, Vice-President of the Strategy Council
  • Swiss Association for Technical Inspections (SVTI), Member of the Board of Directors
  • The International Association of Public Transport (UITP), Member of the Policy Board
Peter Lacher, Head of Operations

Peter Lacher – Head of Operations
Member since 2018

Born 1968, MAS in Banking Management

Professional background

PostFinance Ltd, various roles, including Head of Process Management and Head of Operations

Key posts

  • Swiss Post Personnel Fund Foundation Board
  • The International Association of Public Transport (UITP), Member of the Policy Board
  • Head of Swiss Post Group Crisis Management committee
Patrick Zingg (a.i.), Head of Market & Customers

Patrick Zing (a.i.), Marco Lüthi (from 1 October 2024) – Head of Market & Customers

Andreas Biedermann, Head of Digitization and Services

Andreas Biedermann – Head of Digitization & Services
Member since 2018

Born 1978, doctorate in Technology and Innovation Management, ETH Zurich

Professional background

  • BLS Ltd, Head of Strategic Projects & Business Engineering
  • Ammann Group, Head of Key Account Management, Head of Processes & Materials

Key posts

  • UITP Information Technology and Innovation Committee, Member
  • IST-CH Intelligent Transport Systems Switzerland, Member of the Board
  • Movi+ Coopérative transports publics, Member of the Board of Directors
Sébastien Dufaut, Head of Strategy & Innovation

Sébastien Dufaut – Head of Strategy & Innovation
Member since 2022

*1973, Master «Maîtrise des Sciences de Gestion» (Université Paris Dauphine), Executive MBA (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)

Professional background

  • Transports publics de la région lausannoise SA (Director Customer Experience, Marketing Director)
  • T-Systems (Marketing Manager)
Gabrielle Dobson Lang, Head of Human Resources

Gabrielle Dobson Lang – Head of Human Resources
Member since 2018

Born 1963, cand. iur., International Master’s in Human Resources Management

Professional background

  • Swiss Post Ltd, Head of HR Consulting – Central Region and Interim Head of Human Resources at PostalNetwork
  • Post CH Ltd, Head of Labour Law at PostalNetwork and Head of HR Consulting in various PostalNetwork regions
  • Canton of Basel Landschaft, Head of Human Resources, Department of Education and Culture
  • Credit Suisse, Head of Human Resources, Private Banking – Region Northwestern Switzerland

Key posts

Member of the APT Human Resources Commission

Benno Bucher – Head of Finance
Member since 2018

Born 1973, Master of Arts in Economics, University of Zurich

Professional background

  • SBB, Head of Controlling for Regional and Long-Distance Services
  • diAx/Sunrise, Channel Manager

Key posts

  • Member of the APT Finance Commission
Luzius Weber, Head of Communication

Luzius Weber – Head of Communication
Member since 2019

Born 1970, lic. phil. I (University of Zurich)

Professional background

  • Federation of Migros Co-operatives, Head of External Communication
  • Ringier Ltd, Editor of CASH financial newspaper

Key posts

  • FLUXTarget not accessible – Swiss mobility prize, Member of the Jury
  • LITRA (Ligue suisse pour l’organisation rationnelle du trafic), Member of the Board

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